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This world is made up of spiritual and scientific truths. It is dominated both by Theism and Atheism respectively as two philosophical doctrines. But both these doctrines accept astrology in all respects. In particular, Nadi Astrology finds favour with both theists and atheists.

This Ancient Science has been recorded on palm leaves by the enlightened saints through their wisdom, reason and insight for the well-being of mankind. This art of Nadi Astrology is the successful combination of spiritualism and science with forecasts the future of human beings.

Natal astrology is founded upon arithmetical calculations by men whereas Nadi Astrology is predicting by Rishis with their spiritual power. The arithmetical predictions by ordinary human beings with their limited knowledge may lead to failure in most cases. This happens because, no one notes the correct birth time of knowledge may lead to non-success in most cases. This happens because, no one notes the correct birth time of an infant (the correct birth time is the time at which the head of the infant comes out of the womb of its mother).

From time ancient, mankind has always been captivated by the Celtic art of divination thus cultivating the curiosity to know the life ahead and what it has got to offer. It is admirable that Nadi Astrology can perceive aspects of the precise world and destiny that is beyond the comprehension of modern science. There is an perspective in today’s world that rejects the mysticism of tarot readers and astrologers. Fortunately, there’s a specialist Nadi predictor, A Siva Raju Swany to bring forth your fortune from the mists of time. This is your chance to discuss any topic that you have in your mind.

Rajuji will address your concerns and answer your questions. Sometimes the responses are enigmatic because of the complexities of language! The answers are frank and will help you face the future with right attitude.This is the time to seize every opportunity for success in your life.

Please take a moment to send us your questions and the details as mentioned below for predictions online. Your questions about future life, education & career, love, marriage & children, financial wealth, family & friends or a particular event/situation will be duly answered by Siva Raju Swamy. You have a great fortune ahead! Information Requirements for Online Nadi Astrology Prediction.